For instance, side arms are available across classes, but each side arm can only be unlocked through a particular class. Some guns are available for more than one class, but players will still need to unlock them through a particular class before they can use them. That means players need to determine which weapons they’re most interested in, and level up the associated class. Naturally, weapons within a particular class will only become available as players rank up that class. Keeping with the Assault example, players will need to work with their team to gun down enemies at close range, while also taking out enemy tanks with coordinated explosive attacks. In order to unlock the full range of weapons for each class in Battlefield 1, players will need to level up that class by playing matches, getting kills, and fulfilling roles pertaining to that class. Since players will be getting up close and personal with tanks, and therefore enemy players, they’re outfitted with submachine guns and shotguns. For instance, the Assault class focuses on taking down enemy vehicles, so players are given numerous explosives to choose from. Each class has its own list of unique guns that benefit the role that class plays. Unlocking Gunsīattlefield 1 has four classes for players to choose from: Assault, Medic, Support, and Scout.

To help those just starting out in the game, here is Game Rant’s guide to unlocking weapons in Battlefield 1. There are four classes available, each with their own set of weapons to unlock and use. Just like previous Battlefield games, players will need to progress through Battlefield 1’s class system to unlock the game’s guns. But in order to find a favorite, players will need to go through the process of unlocking each weapon, then purchasing the ones they want to use. Like the games before it, Battlefield 1 offers a large arsenal of weapons for players to choose from, each with their own pros and cons. With the official launch of Battlefield 1 set for tomorrow, millions of gamers will jump into the World War I shooter to take on friends and strangers in brutal fashion.

Here's our guide to unlocking all weapons in Battlefield 1. With Battlefield 1 releasing this week, gamers will be searching for the best weapons to use in the game.